Click on the buttons below to fill out your Estimate of Giving Card or to Give Online.
Why move along the Giving Path?
It is God’s intention that we grow more generous and take bigger steps in our giving as we become more aware of how richly God has blessed us in Christ.
In our spiritual journey, we move closer to Christ. It is a life-long path we walk. Each step draws us closer to a life of gratitude and generosity.

As we begin the journey, we begin to give to God out of a love and understanding of who God is in our life.

With growth in our discipleship, we begin to plan for the year what percentage of our income we want to give out of the blessings we have received.

As we go deeper in our learning and our giving of our time and talents, we often move to increase the percentage toward a tithe.

When our lives become centered in both following Christ and sharing with others, we begin to give the Biblical tithe.

We soon discover a new joy, and our lives are transformed because of our love for God and our relationship with Jesus Christ. This is a time where we become an extravagant giver beyond the tithe. This giving becomes an offering out of a deeper gratitude and generosity.
1. Invites us to look at how we personally give back to Christ.
2. Reminds us that stewardship is about faithful discipleship.
3. Asks us to pray for God’s guidance in financial matters.
is an opportunity to discover the joy of growing your relationship with God as you experience living generously
is not our way of raising a budget, it is God’s way of raising disciples
1. It’s a spiritual issue
2. Jesus talked about it
3. It’s not about the budget
4. It’s about TRUST

As you celebrate and worship at New World UMC, we encourage you to:
1. Pray for God to guide your steps on a path of faith.
2. Look for ways to connect with others through small groups and fellowship opportunities. Try several to find where your heart sings.
3. Seek places where your hands and feet can serve Jesus. New World has multiple options for service right here in the north Arlington community.
4. Discover the joy of giving. An Estimate of Giving Card is available for you to fill out, or you can GIVE ONLINE.