Rev. Leslie Byrd
Senior Pastor
Rev. Leslie Byrd joined the staff of New World United Methodist Church as the Senior Pastor on July 1, 2019.  Leslie served in the local church since 9th grade in a variety of roles and felt a call to Ordained Ministry in 1991 and spent the next several years completing her education.
She attended Texas Wesleyan University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Christian Education and then attended Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University with a Master of Divinity and a concentration in Pastoral Care and Counseling.
Pastor Leslie has been married to her husband, John, for 40 years, whom she me in 6th grade. They have three grown children and two grandchildren.
Rev. Caitlin Cress
Pastor of Student Ministries

Caitlin Cress, Director of Student Ministry, joined the New World staff in January of 2022. She was born and raised in Arlington, TX, and is an Arlington High School graduate. She attend the University of Texas at Arlington where she received her Bachelor of Science with a focus in Music and Biology. Caitlin discerned her call to ministry while working as the summer youth intern at Plymouth Park UMC while she was in college. Caitlin will be continuing her education at Perkins School of Theology at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX in pursuit of her Master of Arts in Ministry. Caitlin has a passion for music and sings in the 11 o’clock traditional service. 

Heather James
Director of Operations

Heather James joined the staff of New World United Methodist Church as the Director of Operations on February 5, 2018. She attended the University of Texas at Arlington and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Business Administration.

Heather’s first career was as an Account Director for a marketing agency working with some of the biggest brands in the consumer package goods industry. After 17 years, Heather was called to find a different path that nourished her soul and made a difference in the world. Working for New World feels like coming home to her. Heather has been married to her husband Matt for 20 years and they have two children Hayden and Megan.

Kathy Alexander
Director of Children’s Ministry

Kathy began in the New World Pre-school staff in 2013, as Lead teacher for the 4-year old class.  In 2016 she accepted the position of Director of Children’s Ministries.  Ministry with children has been a lifelong passion for her.  Getting to share the Bible and help them begin building the foundation they need to continue growing as Christians throughout their lives is very exciting to Kathy.  Kathy is continually blessed by the children she works with and is always learning from them.

Kathy is married to Mike and they have 3 children, David, married to Stephanie, Brad married to Amy, and Susan.  They are blessed with 3 beautiful grandchildren, Anna, Jack, and Rilla.  Mike and Kathy have served in ministry for 40+ years and what an amazing adventure it has been and continues to be!   

Steven Couch
Director of Worship & Music
Steven Couch is a conductor, organist, pianist, flutist and published arranger/composer. He holds the Bachelors of Music Degree in Church Music from Friends University, Wichita KS and the Masters Degree in Choral Conducting from University of Texas at Arlington. Steven has composed and arranged hundreds of pieces for use in worship and concerts. He has arranged and/or orchestrated for Kristen Chenoweth, Esera Tualo, Nell Carter, Cynthia Clawson, Mark Hayes, Marvin Gaspard, Greg Gilpin, The Turtle Creek Chorale, Resounding Harmony, Credo of Dallas, the New Texas Symphony Orchestra, and many other church groups, civic ensembles, choirs, orchestras and soloists. Steven currently serves as Director of Worship and Music at New World United Methodist Church in Arlington. Steven is a member of the American Guild of Organists, The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship, National Flute Association, American Choral Directors Association and on the board of the Dallas Chapter of Chorister’s Guild.
Sarah Duer
Sarah Duer joined the staff as the Director of Communications in February 2022, but has attended this church since she was born. Her parents and grandparents are charter members of New World. Sarah is the third generation in her family to be a staff member here at the church. Her parents, Sheri and Bill Womack, led the Youth program for almost 25 years. Her grandfather, Bill Miller, was the Director of Music and Evangelism and her grandmother, Joan, played the piano, organ and led the children’s choirs. Sarah has been singing with New World’s praise band, the Way, since it started in 2004. In 2009, Sarah and her husband, Jeff, were married at New World. Jeff is an air traffic controller at Fort Worth Center.  They have two children, Caroline and Callan.
Jin Ah Kwon
Organist and Music Assistant
Jin Ah Kwon, a concert pianist, began playing the piano at the age of five. Jin Ah graduated with a Bachelor and Master degree from Seoul National University in Korea. Currently, Jin Ah is working at Tarrant County College as an adjunct faculty and completing her doctoral degree at the University of North Texas. She has won many international piano competitions including, 27th Chopin international competition, New York international Competition, 9th London international Competition, and 2017 IMKA music competition, and UNT concerto competition. After a successful debut with the Russia-Tombov Philharmonic Orchestra, she started to perform at many halls around the world including Carnegie Hall and Seoul Art Center. 
Jim Penson
Facilities Director
Jim was born in Illinois and moved to Texas in the 1970’s. A lifelong bluegrass musician, Jim is also a luthier, and builds, repairs, and restores string instruments. He has four adult children who live in Austin, Florida, and Chicago. Jim has been in many bluegrass bands, including The Front Porch Boys, with Robert Earl Keen and Lyle Lovett. In addition to his full time job here at New World, Jim also teaches: Bluegrass Banjo, Frailing Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar, Dobro, Lead and harmony singing, Wernick Method bluegrass jamming. As a facilities director, he is responsible for the physical buildings of the church and grounds, and loves his job.
Amber Walter
Preschool Director
Amber joined the staff as the Director of our Preschool, on January 9th, 2016. She began working for NWP in 2013 as a Pre-k/4-year-old teacher and fell in love with the program and the families immediately. She knew from the first day this is where she is meant to be.
Every job that Amber has been involved with has been in public service. Her first career was in cosmetology. She worked as a hairdresser and an esthetician from 2003-2008 in Fort Worth, Texas. Amber loved it, but when she married her husband Andrew in 2007 and moved to Arlington, she decided to be a stay at home mom. They have two children, Kristen and Sabrina. Amber was raised by her grandparents in Virginia and moved to Texas when she was 15 years-old. She believes that because of the love and support that they gave her is one of the major reasons why she is who she is today.
Claudia Williams
Claudia joined the staff in late January 2022. She was looking for a part time job and God provided the perfect fit at New World. Claudia is a graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington and has a Fine Arts Degree. Some of her favorite things include Mexican food, British mysteries, the Antiques Roadshow and the movie High Society. The things in life that bring her the greatest joy are her children and grandchildren. Claudia has three daughters and two grandsons, who all live in the Houston area.